Book Tour and Giveaway: I, Spy

I, Spy has launched! 
Read on to find out more about the book, get a cool spy tip for your daily life and download a free gift! Then find I, Spy on Amazon, Kobo, and!
About the Book

Canada is probably the last place you'd expect to find an American spy. But even idyllic Ottawa has its deadly secrets—and so does CIA operative Talia Reynolds. She can climb through ventilation shafts, blend in at the occasional diplomatic function, even scale buildings (small ones). But there’s one thing she can’t do: tell her aerospace engineer boyfriend Danny about her Top Secret occupation.

It worked for a year, keeping Danny in the dark, keeping him away from danger, keeping her secrets. And then Talia finally catches a hot case: Fyodor Timofeyev. Russian. Aerospace executive. Possible spy?

She can make this work, too—until Danny needs her at the same time her country does. And when Fyodor targets Danny? Suddenly her schedule isn't the only thing suffering. Now to save her secrets and her country, Talia must sacrifice the man she loves.

More about I, Spy | Add I, Spy to your Goodreads to-read list!

My Review

The spy books I have read I have really liked, so I was happy to accept this book for review. I'm glad I did because I really enjoyed reading this, staying up late one night to do so. The author seems to have a quirky set of humor, which comes through in her book.

The book kind of meanders along, with the plot slowly thickening until about two-thirds of the way through and then it gets rather intense. I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen and how things were going to end. I was surprised a few times, and then again.

I really liked the characters! Talia has this great internal monologue and matter-of-fact way of thinking and saying things that I thought was great. She is somewhat of a tomboy, overly cautious (almost OCD), and very loyal. Danny is a very smart and romantic golden boy (he is an Eagle Scout, an engineer, and good-looking). Talia and Danny are an interesting combination. Elliott is Talia's counterpart in her job. He can be quite charming, but is more of a brother to Talia. The looks and inside jokes that these two share! I love it when characters can convey so much with a glance or word.

I felt like the situation was more realistic than anything. Talia's character tells us all sorts of true and not true things about the spy department. I really loved reading the excerpt from the first chapter where she talks about not being in a catsuit and why that just doesn't work. The sarcasm cracks me up! The CIA division Talia works in tends to handle more low-key operations. They have a tough job though, because the Canadians aren't very forthcoming with information, even though they're supposedly allies. I would assume it would be that way in every security division that isn't on its home turf. We don't find out very much about what exactly is going on with the relationships and security matter until about two-thirds through, which I mentioned earlier, is where things really pick up.

Overall, this was a very enjoyable read! I will definitely be picking up whatever McCollum writes in the future. I love the cover as well! On a side note, the MC is Mormon, but there isn't any religious content in this book.

Content: Clean
Published: June 5th 2013 by Durham Crest Books
Source: Received a copy from the author for review, which did not influence my opinions in any way.

Advance Praise

The edge-of-my-seat undercover operations kept me turning pages, and just when I thought the story would go one way, plot twists sent it down another path. Thrilling, adventurous, and romantic, this book has it all for an Alias fan.
Jami Gold, award-winning author

Jordan McCollum’s debut novel is a delightful combination of mystery, action, and romance. Talia’s CIA training and almost OCD caution feed her quirky humor while exposing her very human fears and insecurities. Add in her boyfriend Danny, and it's enough to twist your heart.
Donna K. Weaver, author of A Change of Plans

Clever, suspenseful, and charged with political intrigue and romance, I, Spy is the perfect combination for a fun and captivating read!
Michelle Davidson Argyle, author of Monarch

About the Author

An award-winning author, Jordan McCollum can't resist a story where good defeats evil and true love conquers all. In her day job, she coerces people to do things they don’t want to, elicits information and generally manipulates the people she loves most—she’s a mom. Jordan holds a degree in American Studies and Linguistics from Brigham Young University. When she catches a spare minute, her hobbies include reading, knitting and music. She lives with her husband and four children in Utah.

The clue!

As part of the debut of I, Spy, Jordan is hosting a contest to figure out the song that inspired the story. Collect clues at each blog stop and use your spy skills to piece together the clues to win a $25 Amazon gift card! How to enter

The clue for this stop is:
A spin-off of The Partridge Family is said to have been inspired by the singer-songwriter duo behind the I, Spy song.


The freebie!

Thanks for participating in this launch tour! As a free gift this week, Jordan is giving out free copies of Mr. Nice Spy, an I, Spy prequel novella. Simply to go You can also get 40% off I, Spy!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tour Schedule for I, Spy and Mr. Nice Spy

I, Spy
  Mr. Nice Spy

Renae Mackley (Also: using your spy skills to convince someone the car you're driving isn't stolen!)
M. R. Buttars (Also: using your spy skills to escape annoying relatives!)
Donna K. Weaver—I know, right?! (Also: using spy skills on a desert island!)
Bonnie Harris (Also: an I, Spy extra inspired by Bonnie!)
Jinky is Reading (Also: a giveaway!)
Me, at Jami Gold's blog (Also: spy skills to interrogate your kids!)
Tressa's Wishful Endings (Also: a giveaway!)
Lindzee Armstrong (Also: using your spy skills while in labor!)


Julie Coulter Bellon (Also: using your spy skills to enjoy sweets without having to share with your kids!)
Carolyn Frank (Also: using spy skills with time travel!)
Marnee Bailey, Romance Writers' Revenge (Also: using your spy skills to figure out what your kids are up to!)
Lisa Swinton (Also: spy skills to escape from . . . a cat?)
Chris Jones (Also: the spy skills of a dad!)
Andrea PearsonEmily Gray Clawson (Also: figuring out whodunnit)

Disclosure: This review is of a book I was given for free by an author, tour host, or publisher, or through NetGalley or Edelweiss. This in no way influences the opinions shared in my review. You may see my complete policy on the sidebar and on my policies page.