Blog Tour: Dead Dreams

Dead Dreams
by Emma Right
August 26th 2013


Eighteen-year-old Brie O’Mara has so much going for her: a loving family in the sidelines, an heiress for a roommate, and dreams that might just come true. Big dreams--of going to acting school, finishing college and making a name for herself. She is about to be the envy of everyone she knew. What more could she hope for? Except her dreams are about to lead her down the road to nightmares. Nightmares that could turn into a deadly reality.

Dead Dreams, Book 1, a young adult psychological thriller and contemporary mystery.

Book Videos: Video Book/Music Trailer | Book Trailer | Dream Cast Video Trailer

Find the book: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords

My Review

I really liked the cover and synopsis for this book, which is why I signed up for the tour. I wasn't exactly sure how dreams would work into the book. I found that there was quite a play off of the title woven through the story, which I thought worked well. It was also interesting how Brie has some conversations about the importance of dreams in the Bible and also in history. Brie has had dreams play a role in her life when she was younger. She doesn't really believe they mean anything, but she's not completely sure that she is right. I thought this was definitely a nice twist to the story.

There were a few things I didn't like. About 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through the story the MC, Brie, makes a decision that I just really didn't feel was authentic or realistic. Who would want to do what is asked of her, really? Things just didn't add up for me as to why she believed as she did, why she didn't talk to anyone, and why she would even go for what she did.

I felt that Brie was fairly obtuse and niave. She trusts some people she shouldn't and who she doesn't even know, and doesn't catch on to a lot of things. She doesn't find certain things suspicious. Rather vague, I know, but I don't want to give anything more away. She has a fairly close family and a few friends and I maybe hoped that she would confide in them a little or that she would at least do some more research on her own.

Now on to the things I liked. I got into the story right away wondering what Sarah was hiding and what was going on. I just didn't trust her at all. I thought Brie's mom was a fun character. We don't see that many parents in the YA genre that are involved in their children's lives and are actually good parents. I actually liked Brie's friend from work, Pete. He seemed to really care about her and willing to help. I was hoping that he might be a love interest, but there ends up not really being any romance for the MC. Pastor Perry was an interesting addition as well.

I actually thought the planning and makeover part was kind of fun. Brie is a little sarcastic sometimes, which I liked, especially as I felt when she was that it fit the circumstances. She is especially sarcastic during this part of the story and as she plans things out with Sarah.

I enjoyed the plot. I did struggle a little in the middle when Brie makes her choice and towards the end where she jumps to some conclusions, but once I accepted what was happening then I just sat back and enjoyed. The pace starts to pick up and I could feel a climax building as Brie tries to figure things out. I really wanted to know who all was involved and how and what happened. Unfortunately, I'll have to wait until the next book.

Content: Clean, except for a few mild swear words.
Source: Tour host, which did not affect my review in any way.

About the Author

Emma Right is a happy wife and homeschool mother of five living in the Pacific West Coast of the USA. Besides running a busy home, and looking after their five pets, which includes two cats, two bunnies and a Long-haired dachshund, she also writes stories for her children. When she doesn't have her nose in a book, she is telling her kids to get theirs in one.

Right worked as a copywriter for two major advertising agencies and won several awards, including the prestigious Clio Award for her ads, before she settled down to have children.


Grand Prize: $15 Amazon Gift Card& ebook of Dead Dreams (INT)
Additional winner gets a paperback of Dead Dreams (US)
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